(SOLVED) Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header
Find the sollution to the "Fatal Error Occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header" error right here and fix it for good
One of the most frustrating problems when working with your esp is a failing upload. But there are 2 solution to this problem. One requires a soldering iron and a 10 uF capacitor, the other one nothing but your fingers
The "Quick fix"
If you don't have a soldering iron handy, you can temporarily fix these problems by
pressing and holding the "Boot" button of your board and a short press of the Reset button. After pressing and releasing the Reset button, continue holding the Boot button and press upload on your Computer. After the upload finished, release the boot button and short press the reset button. Your program should now be uploaded successfully. Please keep in mind that this is only a temporary fix, and you have to do it every time you want to upload a new program. If you want a permanent fix, try the
Permanent fix
To permanently fix the issue, you just have tho
solder a 10uF capacitor between EN/RST and ground. To find these pins on your board, check out the
ESP32 Pinout Guide. But why does this fix work? The issue occurs because the auto boot circuitry of your esp32/esp8266 breakout board does not pull down GPIO 0 fast enough when asked to put your board into boot mode. But why does this even matter? If you want to upload new code to your esp, you have to put it into upload mode. This happens if GPIO 0 is low on the rising EN/RST edge. But on some boards, the EN pin voltage rises faster than the GPIO 0 voltage falls and the board boots up normally. The additional capacitor on the EN pin delays the rising edge enough for the board to enter the boot mode properly
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